Friday, October 10, 2008

Fun Friends

My friends, Sophie and Jake, came over tonight to meet my baby and then have dinner. They brought a fun project for me to do and also an awesome 'big brother' present.......the Stomp Rocket. Too cool! I always have lots of fun playing with JakeSophie (my name for them) and tonight was no different. We ended the night at Phil's Icehouse having dinner, playing on the playscape and topping off the evening with AMY'S ICE CREAM. Yum!
Thank you JakeSophie for a fun night!

Jake is so good with the babies.
Here I am with Sophie and our 'project'. Can you see what we're making?
It's teeth!!! See the gums? See all of the teeth? Mommy says 'gross' but I think it's neat. We played with salt dough and beans to make our masterpiece. Miss Jenny has so many fun ideas and I know her kindergarten class has lots of fun with her.
Here we are again with our project.
The Stomp Rocket!! It's not really an inside toy but mommy made an exception. The harder I jump, the further the rocket flies. Such a great toy for a boy!

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