Friday, August 31, 2012

Catching up with Family!

Tonight is Uncle Jason's rehearsal and dinner but we managed to find some time to catch up with Uncle Charles, who in the army, and Aunt Courtney in the swimming pool. Afterwards, we had fun chilling in the hotel room watching tv.

Denver Zoo

Uncle Jason is finally getting married and we're heading to Wyoming for the weekend.  Since it's a long holiday weekend, we'll have more time to see family and we're looking forward to time for our aunts, uncles and cousins.  We flew into Denver and Uncle Charles was flying in from Washington so we said we'd pick him up.  Since the wait time was a few hours, daddy dropped us all off at the Denver Zoo for a bit, went and picked up Uncle Charles and then came back to get us.  Afterwards, we all loaded up and headed into Wyoming.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Gymnast

I've been begging mommy to let me do 'gyN-nastics' and so she signed me up.  Don't I look too cute?

Tripp's 1st day of 1st grade