Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tate is 14 months

Ahhhhh.....and once I again I find myself writing another monthly update that has snuck up on me way too fast. Bottom're fun. You're my little weebly wobble who is mastering walking and giggles when you're almost to mommy and daddy and then quickly pivot and turn the other direction. You laugh more than you cry and smile more than you frown. You bounce in your crib until someone gets you in the morning and then you clap after you throw bunny in the bed. Your favorite word is 'da da' and you like to yell through the house hunting for him. It melts daddy's heart, little one. I think you're a daddy's girl and I think your daddy is going to continue to spoil you rotten. I'm in trouble for sure. You blow kisses and give kisses. You love to give hugs - especially to your brother. You lay on the floor each morning and drink your warm milk next to your brother drinking his warm milk. You're adding to your vocabulary and now say mama, dada, uh oh, baby and of course, NO! I love when you put your head on my shoulder - even though it's brief most days. Life is looking up when it comes to you and I enjoy being around you so much more. You've finally graduated to size 3 diapers, although truth be told, you still fit just fine in size 2. Seriously? I think your brother skipped size 2 altogether and was in 3s by month 5. I sure love you. You make me happy and you complete our family. The days are going by so quickly and I'm trying to embrace every moment of it so forgive me if I give you too many hugs and too many kisses. I want to remember and enjoy every thing I can with you since we we were off to a slower start than I had planned.

I love you and happy 14 month birthday!

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