Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy 40th Birthday, Daddy!

Yes it's true. My daddy turned the BIG 4-0 yesterday and mommy had a surprise party for him. It sure was a challenge for mommy because on the day of the party, daddy wasn't feeling well and mommy and Aunt Bunny had to figure out how to get him out of the house. Finally, they went to a nice dinner (where daddy ordered oj as his dinner. Poor daddy) and then to the surprise party place where he truly was surprised! Yeah - a success! We sure love our daddy and look forward to the next 40+ years with him. Happy Birthday, daddy!Mommy had a professional photographer. ha - not really but an iphone in the dark didn't do all that bad. Give mommy a break though - she couldn't bring a camera or else it might have blown the surprise!

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