Sunday, December 20, 2009

Letter from Santa!

I emailed Santa a letter last week on his website and he wrote me back! Here is what he had to say.....

Dear Tripp,

I was so happy to receive your letter here at the North Pole! The reindeer are ready for the long flight on Christmas Eve, except for Prancer. He has been staying up too late watching Christmas specials on TV. I'm hoping he'll take a long nap before it's time to take off!

Once my sleigh is packed and ready to go, I'll be off on my journey around the world. I'm reading your letter right now, and it looks like you've been a very nice boy this year. That makes me so happy. Keep up the good work!

While you are asleep on Christmas Eve, the reindeer will land my sleigh on your rooftop so I can hop down your chimney.

I see that you like cars and trucks. I like cars and trucks, too. They are lots of fun to play with, and we have some very exciting new cars and trucks this year. The elves have been very busy this year making many new and different cars and trucks for Christmas!

It's time for me to feed the reindeer so I must go now. I promised them that they could have some figgy pudding tonight for dessert if they eat all their carrots for dinner. That's a real treat for them!

Ho! Ho! Ho! Have a Merry Christmas!
Your Special Friend,


1 comment:

Alex said...

Well this is cute! I wish my parents did that when I was younger :D