Thursday, April 30, 2009

Easter Pictures.....After Easter

Well, the pictures are in! Last month, mommy got an 'invitation' to have our pictures taken with the bunnies from the rescue mission for a small donation. Of course, mommy jumped all over that! We got all dressed up in our Easter outfits to go take our pictures because this would be a great gift for our families at Easter. Well, once there, she learned the pics would be in at the end of April. Although not thrilled, she figured she'd be patient and the pics could be used for Mother's Day. So, she got to see the pictures yesterday and of course, they were the cutest things ever! The catch? No big special pricing or free pictures like she thought. Just a free sitting fee! Mommy and Miss Kim could have taken these pictures. Urgh - so mommy, not wanting to appear cheap and unappreciative, bought some pictures for Mother's Day. But wait, the pics WON'T be ready for Mother's Day but 'should' be in my the end of May, early June. Why am I not surprised? I guess she'll have to wait for another holiday - maybe 4th of July?
Here are some of the cute pictures.

Notice how I'm holding my baby's arms back? I didn't want her to touch MY bunny!


Angie Holt said...

So, so, so cute! Esp the basket pic!!

Don't you just love the ol bait and switch?? Jerks.

emmylou + miller said...

LOVE those! Worth all the effort. ;-)