Thursday, April 2, 2009

6 months old

Today, I'm six months old and although I think I'm big, mommy says I'm little. I had my 6 month check up today and here are my latest stats:

Head: 43" (75th percentile = I am very smart with such a big brain)
Height: 25 1/2" (50th percentile)
Weight: 14 lbs 13 oz (25th percentile = I'm a little peanut!)

The bad news is I had to get more shots, but I was such a trooper. The good news? I get REAL food! Mommy is going to start me on oatmeal and rice cereal tomorrow and I'm just SURE I'm going to love it! I'm always wanting whatever they have at dinner and they won't share with me......until now. I'm super excited and I think tomorrow will be a big day.
To my precious little peanut, Tate -

It's hard to believe 6 months have flown by but at the same time, I think we're starting to make some progress. In the last week, you are now sleeping in your own room, your own bed and sleeping through the night. Yeah! It sure makes for a happy mommy and happy baby. You've definitely changed and developed a lot more in the past month. You are alway grabbing and reaching for things and your boring old toys aren't as exciting as the teaspoon set or mommy's soft spatula. Just like your brother, you like to be in the middle of things and especially like helping mommy in the kitchen. You are very social and always want to be a part of the action. You'll play quietly for a little bit but then when you realize everyone is doing other things other than playing with you, you quickly get upset and let us know that in your book, this is not acceptable. You're beginning to sit up and scoot all over the floor on your back. Crawling isn't far off and I'll really be in trouble then with 2 of you into everything. I love your gummy little smile and it melts my heart that you're starting to hug...and suck on my face....which I'm sure are just sweet kisses from my little one. This phase will be gone all too quickly. You love getting your diaper change and giggle whenever you're getting cleaned up and your bottom wiped. It's hilarious! You can be completely upset and having a fit but as soon as I start cleaning that little peanut bottom of yours, you start giggling and are all smiles. You LOVE your brother and he cracks you up. He loves to read to you and he loves making you laugh. My prayer is that you and your brother will always be close and will always have a special bond. Every morning he wakes up and the first thing he asks is 'where's my baby' or 'I want to pet my baby'. He cuddles and loves on your so much and it is the sweetest thing ever. Precious one, it's been a rough 6 months but thing have definitely started to get better. Regardless of the good, bad and ugly, I adore you and look forward to the days, weeks, months and years ahead with you. Happy 1/2 birthday!

I love you.

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