Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tripp is 4 1/2

My precious little guy -

You are awesome. There is no other way to explain your personality, dispostion and just you overall. This is such a fun stage and I wake up each morning with a smile knowing I have another day with you.

Lately you're fascinated (maybe obsessed) with numbers. You describe things with numbers and more often than not, it's the number 96. I couldn't figure out where you got that from until Grammy overheard 'Madagascar' and then we knew. "Mommy, I have to do homework for 96 days"; "Mommy, I am 96 pounds tall"; "Mommy, I am going to color 96 38 69 pages today". It's pretty cute and you're oh so serious when you're telling me a story or an event that happened - or didn't happen - that day. You're definitely over Barney and Elmo and complain anytime I put it on for Tate. You're quite the negotiator and usually will agree to watch Barney as long as you can watch Go, Diego, Go afterwards. Thomas the Train and Bob the Builders are still high on your list and you love cars, trucks, trains, construction equipment and airplanes. You're all boy and it's amazing how you've grown up so quickly right before my eyes.

You still haven't met a stranger and will talk to random people about the most random things. You hold a conversation well and you have some great words in your vocabulary - for a 4 1/2 year old, that is. You still don't like to brush your teeth or brush your hair or have your hair sprayed with water so that I can brush your hair. Now you just tell me to let you wear a baseball cap. Smart thinking, but no. You also still love your thumb so I'm glad that I still have a part of my baby after all.

I'm starting to stress a little with the fact that you'll be turning 5 in 6 months and soon after will start kindergarten but you're always quick to remind me that you'll always be my baby. I sure love hearing that and I sure love you.

Love always,

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