Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tate is 9 months old!

Height: 27.25 (50% percentile)
Weight: 16 lb 7 oz (20% percentile)
Head: 44 (75% percentile)

To my little peanut -

Another month has flown by and I realized the other day that you're only 3 months away from being a year! How does that happen? Time flies by so quickly and it seems to be going faster with you than with your brother. You are changing daily and amaze us with all your new 'tricks'. You adore your brother and I think you're really trying to keep up with him because you're now cruising all over the place as fast as your little 4s can take you, you pull up and walk around things with not even a second thought and the other day, you let go of the couch to see if you could stand by yourself. Your brother was just now starting the army crawl and didn't crawl on his knees until 12 months. He didn't walk until 15.5 months and I have a feeling in the next letter to you, I'll write about your first steps. Wrestling with your brother is lots of fun for you, too, as long as you're in the mood. If not, forget about it and you make it known.
You had your 9 month check up and the doctor says you're doing great. You had to get shots and your iron levels showed a little low but you're on some vitamins and although you don't like them one bit, I think they'll help make you big and strong. Your doctor also said you were 'spunky' which is a very good term for you. You definitely let us know when you want something or don't want something - and tend to 'yell' at me to get your way. Oh my, I can only imagine what's in store down the road. You love to eat and are experimenting with new finger foods. Just like your brother, you love pancakes. You also love puffs but who wouldn't love puffs!? You're not a fan of peas or spinach this month but I've been finding ways to conceal it into other favorites and it's working so far.
You're a constant joy to all of us and Tripp is always saying how lucky he is to have you as his baby. I think he's right - we're all lucky to have you as our baby and we love you so incredibly much! Until next month, keep smiling with that sweet smile and know that our family would not be complete without you.
Love, Mommy

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