Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Icky Thumb Chart

Uh oh. I think mommy is finally serious. She said no more thumb and I think she really does mean it this time. After nap, we sat down and made my 'Icky Thumb Chart'. The way it works is for each day that I don't suck my thumb, I get a sticker. Once I get a bunch of stickers (she conveniently forgot to tell me how many that is), I can take my icky thumb chart to Learning Express and trade it in for a surprise. I told her a want a train. Mommy said this concept worked well with my potty chart and potty training so why wouldn't it work with my icky thumb? Well mom, because I LOVE MY ICKY THUMB and I won't give up without a fight. Especially when I have blue bear or my green pillow or really anything nice and soft. Ah, the more I think about it, I sure love my thumb.

1 comment:

Nikkie said...

Good luck with that...we've tried just about everything. Mack will be 12 in 10 days and if he's really tired...in goes the thumb.