Thursday, September 4, 2008

My first day of school!

Today was my first day of preschool and I couldn't wait to go meet my new teachers and friends! Mommy and daddy took me to school and followed me around like the paparazzi - which was a little embarrassing - but you know how parents can be. My teachers are Ms. Patti and Ms. Mary Lee and they had so many fun things for us to do today. We painted, played outside, read books and so much more! Emmylou, Sofia, Ellia and Patrick are in my class so I'm excited to be surrounded by familiar faces. Mommy and daddy dropped me off and I walked right in and made myself at home. I think it was hard on them. I tried to tell them that it's just for a few hours twice a week but I think they're still having a hard time accepting that I'm growing up. Poor mommy and daddy but I think they'll do just fine -- it'll just take a little time.

My first day of school outfit and alligator lunchbox.
Emmylou and I love flowers! Here we are outside our school.
....and this is outside our classroom. We're the purple class.
Painting is so much fun!
Mommy and her little guy.
Kisses for mommy.
Daddy and his little guy!

Mommy's note - when I picked up Tripp today from school, he didn't even look up. In fact, when I said his name, he said 'what?'. So glad to know we were missed today.

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