Monday, September 15, 2008

Baby Bean Update

I had my dr. appt today and Baby Bean is scheduled to make his/her appearance on Oct. 2nd at 2pm.

It's hard to believe we're about 2 weeks out! Still not sure if we're welcoming a boy or girl and the 'old wives tales' aren't helping one bit. It's said that if the heartbeat is above 150, it's a girl and below 150 it's a boy. Well, the past few weeks have been 156, 134, 160,130, 160. isn't playing fair but I guess we'll know soon enough. Better decide on a name!

It's always fun taking a toddler to a dr. appt but especially during the last few weeks before delivery day. Today when he had to go potty, he wanted to 'tee-tee in the cup like mommy' and when mommy said no, he had least wanted to try and help. Always fun. He also wanted to be weighed and help determine mommy's blood pressure. Peggy, the nurse, was accommodating but I'm sure she'd rather not have help from the little guy. I brought lots of things for him to do while the dr was checking mommy but he was oh too interested in everything going on. Maybe he'll be a OB/GYN somewhere down the road.

1 comment:

Jackson said...

Hi E the P! Love being able to keep up with you and Tripp on this blog & I just have to get one of those "naked" T's for Jackson--where did your mom find it?? Love ya--Amy