Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tate is 23 months old

Tatie, Tatie, Tatie -

What a ride this past month has been. To start, you're talking up a storm! Constant talking whether anyone is listing or not. Daddy says you get that from me, but I don't think so. You love to talk and you have the sweetest little voice. You also love to whine which is about to drive me a little nutty, if it hasn't already. You're little Miss Independent and want to do everything on your own. Whether it's holding mommy's hand, brushing your teeth, putting your shoes on, buckling your's always, "I do it". I love the independence, except when I need to be somewhere or get something done in a reasonable amount of time. You definitely let me know your likes and dislikes in regards to foods, books, songs, you name it. You and your brother like to 'argue' in the car over which song to play next. We're starting to work on compromising but that only works if you're in the mood for it to work. That pretty much sums you up - if you want to do something or you're in a decent mood, it's no problem. Otherwise, you can be a little challenging. You're eating better - as long as there isn't chicken or eggs around. You still love your milk and still love your 'Y-Y'. I think when you're officially '2', we'll start saying bye to 'Y-Y'. Your brother's old blue pillow is now your pillow because 1) brother has a green one and 2) it looks just like your brother's. You are his shadow and you absolutely adore him. He thinks you're pretty nifty, too. Bedtime has turned into a bit of a fiasco. You're out of your bed at least 20 times a night and most of the time I find you in bed with your brother. Sometimes he rats you out and other times he just likes to cuddle with his baby. It's sweet but not so sweet when we have to get up the next morning and you're both crabby because you stayed up later than you were supposed to. This next month we're going to work on going to bed and staying in bed. I'm not above bribery.

Your favorites are Elmo and Minnie Mouse. You love Minnie Mouse and have recently mentioned Minnie Mouse when someone asked you what you wanted to be for Halloween. You and your brother aren't working with me on that one - what does Minnie Mouse have to do with the green army man from Toy Story? They don't go together! Don't you see that? I can tell we're going to have some power struggles through the years and I'm starting now as far as letting go of the control. Our most recent power struggle was over your lunch box for school. We agreed on the 'monk monk' lunch box but you wanted the one with the thermos and I wanted you to have the one that didn't have more 'stuff'. The result? Both came home with us. I'm a sucker.

Yes you're feisty and busy and independent and challenging but most of all you're just awesome. You make me smile and laugh and bring me such joy. I can't believe my baby is about to be 2. It's something I thought I was ready for but now realize how horribly wrong I was.

I love you sweet girl.

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