Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tate is 20 months

Busy. That pretty much sums you up this month. And talkative. Constantly. Never ending. And I love it (most of the time). Somehow you've turned into a little girl overnight and I'm definitely in for it because believe it or not, you're even more independent than before. But, you are also sweeter than before and love to give me hugs and kisses and pat me on the back while saying 'hi mama'. Sweetness. You still twirl your hair and now it's starting to get into knots from time to time, which is a painful experience for us both. Your head, my ears. You can't stand for your hair to be in a pony tail or pig tails or even in a rubberband just to stay out of your face. I have so much fun fixing your hair and you look so cute as a little girl with bows but we won't even be out of the driveway and my masterpiece is destroyed. So instead, you look like a ragamuffin with your hair in your eyes all of the time and your 'Y Y' in your mouth. Yes, 'Y Y' has become an addiction and I'm not to the point where I want to deal with the tantrums when I take Y Y away....yet. WIth or without 'Y Y', you're talking up a storm. You are communicating much better and you get very frustrated when we don't understand what it is you want. Maybe if you took 'Y Y' out of your mouth I might understand you. You're a climber and climb up on brother's top bunk, on the counters, in the car, wherever and whenever. You're also obsessed with brushing your teeth. 'More More Teeth' is what I hear about 10 times a day. It's cute, for awhile, but I guess I can't complain knowing you'll have nice pearly whites. It's completely opposite of your brother since he throws a complete fit when I try to brush his teeth at all. You love the refrigerator and are in it constantly. You like to 'steal' the grapes from the drawer and when I catch in the fridge, you run off like a little gremlin. I find limes all over the house with little bit marks and anything else you can get your little hands on. Our refrigerator isn't that big to start with and it's getting even smaller since I have to move everything to the top shelves. The freezer is your new favorite find - especially because you now realize there are popsicles in there.

I know I've said this before but you love your brother. You follow him everywhere and want to do anything he's doing. You want to sleep in bed with him, you want to take a bath with him, you want to ride in his car seat instead of yours. You want to go to school with him or a playdate or to the bathroom. If he's somewhere, you want to be somewhere with him. I love watching your relationship grow with your brother. It's something I've never had with mine and I hope and pray for the strongest bond for you both.

Although you keep me busy and I'm sincerely worn out at the end of each day, you are my precious wild child and I love each passing day with you.


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