Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tate is 16 months old

Happy 16th month, Baby Girl -
You're constantly on the go and learning new things daily. You are such a blessing to our family and we wouldn't be complete without you. Feisty? Yes! Challenging? Yes! I'm a slow learner but have realized I don't think those two things will change much. Maybe it has something to do with generational sin? Anyway, regardless, you make us laugh and I love watching you learn and grow. You're adding new words to your vocabulary and some this month are monk monk (monkey), Miw-wa (Miller, your oh so handsome boyfriend), wa wa (water), bye bye (in addition to waving) and you actually shake your head yes when you want something (although it's accompanied by the word 'no'), more more (while using sign. A funny added thing you do - anytime I lay you on the changing table, you sign/say more more and want me to add lotion to your hands. You rub your hands together, rub on cheeks and then repeat with the more more indefinitely. I need to record that).

Over the past couple of months, you've become picky when eating and this is challenging at times. I try not to complain because I know some of our friends have bigger eating challenges (Brenda, how do you do it?) but I'm not confident that you're getting all of your nutritional needs from MAC & CHEESE. I buy wheat and organic but somehow I don't think it's enough. I may have to pull out my 'Sneaky Chef' book that I never thought I'd have to use. One saving gracy is the juicer - you love to help brother and mommy make juice and better yet, you like to drink it. If I get the portions just right so you don't taste it, I can get spinach, beets, carrots and other veggies in you. I'll take it - even if it has to be juice form.

Independent is your middle name these days and we're past the stage of wanting to be held all the time. In fact, most of the time when I WANT to hold you, you'll have none of it and just want to be let down so you can RUN anywhere you want. You have a collection of scrapes and bruises because your balance and running aren't quite in synch yet but falling doesn't seem to phase you much and you just get back up and continue on your path. You definitely love Miss Connie and Miss Becca more than mommy these days and I'm ok with that. As long as you know how much your mommy loves you, I'm fine with sharing the love. You're getting more comfortable with swimming - especially because you know you get m&m's if you do a good job - and music class is always a lot of fun for you. You won't sit on mommy's lap like the other boys and girls do but you're happy and smiling and I can't ask for much more than that. Last week you and Miller were caught 'smooching' in class - your first kiss! Ah, music makes you do funny things.

We all love you tons and you couldn't have a brother that loved you more. We look forward to the coming months and watching you as you approach the year and a half mark. And I'll continue to keep hugging a little longer and kissing a little more often than you can stand.


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