Friday, May 8, 2009

Visit with the Baers

When mommy and daddy lived in Atlanta, Don and Kathy Baer were their mentors. They studied some great books, devotionals and bible studies with the Baers and when we moved to Austin, they moved to California. They came to Texas for a wedding this weekend and stayed with us one night. Mommy and daddy went to dinner with them at Z'Tejas (yum) while my baby and I got to stay home and have TONS of fun with Aunt Cindy and Uncle Chris. We had so much fun seeing them and they met my baby for the first time. Mommy and daddy sure do miss seeing them often but we enjoyed being able to spend some quality time while they were here. We'll come see y'all soon in California!

(Ms. Kathy has the pictures on her camera so maybe mommy can add one later)

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