Saturday, May 2, 2009

7 months

To my Tatie-Tate:

I can't believe you're 7 months old today! I have to admit that I've really been in denial that you're getting bigger and the months are flying by. When I say bigger I mean age. You're still a little peanut weighing in around 15 lbs and just now fitting in 3 - 6 month clothes. You still wear a lot of your 0 - 3 month dresses, too, which is a huge difference from your giant brother at this age. Day by day, things are getting a little better although you still are pretty fussy. I don't think anything is wrong but I think your daddy might actually be right in saying you're spoiled. (Shh - don't tell him I said that. You are definitely mommy's girl but when your daddy is around, you light up and give the biggest gummy smile.) You want me in your site at all times. If I'm in the room and walk out for even a minute, you have a fit. You also want to be held 99% of the time but that isn't realistic although I typically give in because I don't want to hear you crying like you do. Your brother is a great distraction and usually helps me in the entertainment department You think he's hilarious and he can make you laugh at the littlest things. I love watching you both play together. I pray daily that you two always have a special bond and you will always watch out for each other. Don't get me wrong, there are many times when he just aggrevates you and you let us all know it. He loves to wake you up, take your toys, mess with you in the car and loves to climb in your crib with you in the mornings - which is super sweet except when you're trying to sleep. Speaking of sleep, you're doing great and are a great sleeper. You're a lot like your mommy in that if you don't get your sleep or naps, you are C R A N K Y! Right now, You wake in the morning around 7am and you're napping twice a day (usually around 10am and 2pm). There are a lot of times when you miss your morning nap or have to cat nap in the car but it's pretty easy to get you settled at the same time when your brother naps in the afternoon. At bedtime, we read you both stories and put you BOTH down at 7:30 (although lately your big brother likes to get out of bed a million times).

What else is new? You're sitting up like a champ and I've even caught you rocking on your knees in the past few days. Uh oh. You can't get yourself into a sitting position alone yet but I think that is right around the corner. I love this current stage because you can sit up and play (when you let me put you down) and I know you'll be in the same spot where I left you. When you do want to get around, you roll. You're holding your arms out when you want to be picked up and you're chewing on that 'icky thumb' a lot but still prefer the pacifier.....for now. You've been eating food for about a month and you're definitely a fan. You love butternut squash and bananas for sure. You're also enjoying peas, sweet potatoes, applesauce, prunes, carrots and rice cereal. The one thing you're not crazy about is pears but I still make you try them from time to time. I also think you have an allergy of some sort to oatmeal and will wait until your next check up with the Dr. before trying that again. You LOVE to give kisses which really means sucking on my face. I kiss on you and chew on your cheeks all of the time and I think it's your way of reciprocating. I love it! Your brother thinks it's funny when you 'gum' on his nose, too!

You are such a sweet little girl and it's fun to get a glimpse of your personality. You and your brother are pretty different and I think he's going to always be the more sensitive one. When you want him around, you want him around but when you don't, you don't. I think Tripp is so lucky to have you as his baby sister and mommy and daddy are so lucky too. I love you so much and will never get tired of telling you. Happy month-day, my little peanut.


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