Thursday, February 19, 2009

To my precious Tripp

Wow! Your birthday is so bitter sweet for me. On one hand, I'm so excited that my baby is growing up and the other hand, I'm so sad that my baby is growing up. I don't think you'll truly understand how amazing you are to mommy and daddy and how much we adore you.

Each day, I love watching you explore and discover the world around you. You ask questions constantly and your imagination is very active. I have to remind myself that one day I will miss the constant chatter and questioning and one day you won't want to always be with your mommy. I hope that day doesn't come and if it does, not anytime soon. You are such a loveable little love bug and still love to cuddle with mommy and daddy in the morning and ask for 'warm milk milk'. You'll actually push daddy out of the bed when he tells you '5 more minutes'. You're so strong and demanding! You have grown and matured so much over the past few months and I even noticed the other day that you hands are the hands of a little boy - the baby pudge is gone!

What else? You love books and love to have mommy make up silly stories for you. You even make up your own stories, which are so fun for me! You and your daddy have special bonding time at night when it's time to go to bed and he reads to you and tucks you in. He sure does love you and looks forward to seeing you when he's been traveling. You still love Thomas the train and Bob the builder. You love to take things out of my kitchen cabinets and drawers and it makes me crazy. You love to help me cook and will even walk away from your netflix movie to come in and help me. You love pancakes and would eat them morning, noon and night if I let you. You informed me the other day that you like ice cream but you don't like peanut butter. Speaking of dislikes, you're also not a huge fan of chocolate or pizza. What? Whose child are you? You love to wrestle around with your baby and since she seems to like it these days and is a little bigger, I let you. You LOVE LOVE LOVE the outdoors. Digging and getting dirty is tons of fun for you and you would be outside 24/7 if I let you. You love bull dozers and trucks and shovels and any and everything else that goes along with that. You still love your thumb and that makes daddy crazy. He told you that on your 3rd birthday, you'd have to give up your thumb. Hasn't happened yet, silly daddy. At night, you still want your blue bear, green pillow in addition to the blue one, and your blue blanket. They're all getting a little worn but then again so did the Velveteen Rabbit. You love your friends and you are so sweet to them, for the most part. I have to remember you're a typical 3 year old and you're still finding your way. You love having donuts with your friends after swimming on Wednesday mornings. You love storytime at the library. You love Miss Connie. You love to sing and dance. Favorite songs? Three Blue Pigeons, Gig 'Em Aggie Songs, Jingle Bells, Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. Yes, I realize it's February. You're so independent and dependent all at the same time.

You have blessed us beyond words these past 3 years and it amazes me to think that it has all gone by so quickly. I'm going to slow down and take one day at a time so that I can cherish this precious stage with my precious little guy. As you tell me almost daily, I love you so much. ..You're my best friend.


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