Monday, February 2, 2009

Tate is 4 months old!

Today Tate is 4 months old! She had her dr appt and is growing like a weed and right on schedule 'developmentally'. She weighed in at 13 lbs 12 oz (50th %) and is 24 1/2 inches long (70th %). Head is 42 inches (75th %) which must mean she has a big ole brain! She had her second round of shots but handled it like a champ.
To my beautiful baby girl -
What a difference a month makes. These past few weeks have been so much fun and we've been able to get a glipse of your budding personality. You love to smile and have the sweetest giggle ever. You make eye contact and have discovered your 2 little hands. You're grabbing at things and starting to hold things a little better - even your bottle - more often than not so you can get it to your mouth to see if it's FOOD! You're a great eater and make yourself heard when it's mealtime. Tripp is still in love with his baby and you're actually starting to tolerate him and respond to him - which is awesome to see. When you talk, he says you're saying 'I love my big brother' and you smile and giggle with him. He adores you and you're so incredibly lucky to have him as YOUR big brother. When he wakes in the morning, the first thing he does is to go over to your crib and say 'good morning, Tatie'. Most mornings you're like your mama and don't want to be bothered but on the days when you're already awake, you greet him with smiles and lots of arm and leg kicks. You're very strong and think you're already big enough to sit up. Well little lady, you're not. You're my little peanut and you're still too little. You're also trying to roll over and I expect that it will happen any day now. You are such a sweet little girl and I look forward to seeing your little face each morning. I'm excited to see what new things you'll start doing over the next month and feel so blessed to be your mommy.

I love you angel.

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