Sunday, November 14, 2010

San Antonio Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon

If you were even the slightest bit impressed and thought that MY mommy ran a 1/2 marathon, you're very, very wrong. However, Miss Kristen, Miss Becca and Miss Jen did sign up for it and mommy went to San Antonio with them for 'moral support' and a little mommy get away overnight trip - complete with mommy only dinner and mommy only hotel room. I guess more than just moral support she DID have an important job - she was in charge of driving the 'getaway car' once they finished running their 13 miles. Mommy was so proud of them! They all finished better than their projected times and after showers and checking out of the hotel, they all went to celebrate with queso and Mexican food before heading back to Austin! Way to go!
Picking up race bibs
Before the big race - around 5am!
After the race with medals.

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