Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tripp Update

Dearest Little Guy -

It's been awhile since I've written you a letter update and so many things have happened in the few months since you've turned 4. To sum it up, you've grown into a little boy right before my eyes. Did I blink? How did this happen? I know people always say, 'cherish the moments because they're gone too quickly' but I didn't think they meant THIS quickly! You are my precious boy who loves his sister, his blue bears and his trains. You love bugs and are fascinated with them all - except for beatles. The sandbox is still a big hit and you have a very vivid imagination. Sometimes I just listen to your stories and play - but I have to listen with care because if you know I'm paying attention, you'll stop what it was you were doing. You love being outdoors and love being dirty. You still have a fit when I wash your hair, brush your hair or brush your teeth. Hopefully you'll grow out of that one. I signed you up for soccer and you were so excited. In fact, you said 'Mom, thank you! Give me a hug'. To me, that signals you're really growing up because only big boys get to play soccer. You love movie nights and you love to cuddle. When daddy is out of town, you always sleep me with me and snuggle tight. I'm not sure how long that will last but I hope forever even though I don't get any sleep at all when you're in bed with me. You still love soft things and your thumb. It drives daddy crazy but I secretly like that you still have those habits because they're the same ones you've had since you were my itty bitty baby boy. You're 'too big' for Barney and Elmo and Baby Einstein but you'll watch them if your sister wants to. You're into 'Jay Jay' and 'Thomas' and 'Calliou' and 'Dora'. Counting is a fun game and your letters are a snap. In the car, we sound out and try to spell new words. I especially like it when you say something like, 'do you know how to spell "car"? Well, it's pnrskfl. That spells car'. Love that! You're starting to be particular when it comes to what shirt or shorts or shoes to wear. Words like 'Feva', 'Emmy-you', 'Mohawker', 'Ice Scraper', 'Bob Bidder', 'street crosser', 'grill' are few and far between but if I put out my bottom lip, you'll say them like a champ - just like the good ole days. Tate adores you and wants to do everything you do - good or bad. She's your little shadow and I hope you're getting used to it because it's not going to change anytime soon. Each morning, you still give her her bottle and you both snuggle up together in our bed. I cherish it each day. She learns from you and she watches you. You're going to teach her amazing things and you've proven time and time again to be her protector. She is so lucky to have you as her brother and I am so lucky to have you as my son.

I love you more today than yesterday.

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