Sunday, May 2, 2010

19 months old

Hi my beautiful Tatie - Tate:

This month has been huge and you seem to have grown and matured in so many ways in such a short amount of time. The biggest change? Talking. You talk all of the time but why am I surprised by that? You have introduced so many new words into your vocabulary and brother makes a game of it with you repeating words he says and then both of you yelling 'good jooobbbbbb'! You're putting words together and say 'night night' to everything as we're heading to bed from night night mama to night night book. You're using your manners with please and thank you and keep repeating yourself until someone acknowledges you. I couldn't be happier about that. My favorite new phrase is 'bye bye mama' as you wave and go up the stairs. It's the sweetest sound ever! You've also named your pacificer 'Y-Y' for some reason and you're officially addicted to it, which is another story altogether.

Singing is a favorite and you sing twinkle twinkle little star all of the time. Another favorite song is the 'Bye Bye' song from swimming and you go make sure to include everyone around you in the song. There is an advantage to this because if you're fussing or upset and we start to sing the bye bye song, you immediately calm down and join in. I wonder if that will work when you're 13.

Time-outs are a new fun activity and you're finding yourself in time out more often these days. I have a feeling it's not going to let up anytime soon. It really is funny because you make this little pouty face the entire time you're in time out and I have to leave the room because my discipline would become ineffective with my laughing. You're mostly in time out for hitting your brother. Your brother was never a hitter but then again, you're a little more challenging than your brother. After time out you always give your brother a hug to say sorry, which is sweet, but let's just not hit in the first place ok?

I know I always say this but you are smart and you understand a lot more than I typically give you credit for. You learn tons from your brother and you're his little shadow. For the most part, he doesn't mind until you start getting into his things and tearing things up. Then he's not so tolerant but part of your job is to annoy your big brother. You do it well. Other favorites: Books. Especially 'Good Night Moon' and ESPECIALLY when daddy reads it to you. You're completely fascinated with babies and love to get in their face and ooh and aah. The other day at the gym, you heard a baby crying and with your pouty look you said 'no rye, baby'. SWEET is what that is.

Eating has become a frustration for me. You used to be a great eater and would eat/try anything I put in front of you. Now, not so much. Let me just say man cannot live on grilled cheese and mac n cheese. You won't touch meat. If there is meat on the tray, you'll eat around it or hand it back to me. You've even gone so far as to take meat out of your mouth that accidently got mixed in with something else (sneaky mommy) and hand it back to me.

Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets are an exception.....sometime. I can get you to eat almost all fruits, some veggies and lots of milk. Goldfish and ice cream are a given and I'm glad daddy isn't around more than he is because if he had his way, you'd get all of the goldfish and ice cream you want. A friend told me the other day that I shouldn't be concerned about what you eat in a day but that you get what you need in a week. That makes me feel a little better, I think. You're just such a little peanut and I want you to grow up big and strong so please eat better so that I feel like I'm doing a good job as mommy.

I love your sweet and feisty personality. I love that you love your brother and your mommy and your daddy. No words can ever tell you how you complete our family but I'll continue to try with lots and lots of mommy kisses. I love you, baby girl, and happily look forward to the constant challenges that come with being your mommy.

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