Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Swimming Lessons

I've been in swimming lessons for a long time and I'm getting pretty good. Mommy decided it was time for Tate to have swimming lessons, too and signed her up, although reluctantly because she has to be in the water with Tate at the same time. Urgh for mommy! Today was Tate's first lesson and she cried the first 20 minutes of the 30 minute lesson.....until the swim teacher gave her an m&m and then she was all smiles. Ah, bribery! To celebrate, we headed to the donut place for donuts.
Mommy's hands were full when Tate was in her swimsuit but here is a picture of her after swimming lessons and she's all smiles.
Of course, she wanted a swim stamp like the rest of the big kids. She was so proud of her 'tortuga'!
Walking to the donut store with big brother.
Skylar is in swimming lessons now and went with us for donuts

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