Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One month shy of 4

Dearest Tripp -

I am NOT ok with you turning 4. To me, turning 4 means you're a big boy and I'm realizing I'm not ready to let go of this stage. I haven't done a good job at monthly updates for you so I'll try to include everything in this one post.

You are so incredibly precious to me and I love the true innocence you possess. You're also such a big help to me...when you want to be....and love your sister with all your being....when you want to. Isn't that how it goes with most things? You have a funny sense of humor and you crack yourself up. Ok, I admit it, I think you're pretty funny, too. You love to sing and dance and you are pretty good at staying on key. You're also a little sponge when it comes to music. You hear a song once and you can pick up most, if not all of the words, and sing it over and over and over again. Your latest favorite is 'Waving Flag' by K'Naan. Screaming the lyrics at the top of your lungs is your current preferences. I try to explain that it sounds much nicer when you sing and not shout but you're not convinced yet. You still love 'Just Imagine' and this semester you're in sportball. You love your friends and you have a very sensitive and emotional side that I don't see in the other boys your age. Most of your friends are girls and you don't seem to mind so much. I can't blame you because they're all cutie patooties. You love school and you always ask mommy what we're doing the next day and what's on your 'schedule'. Your vocabulary is scary sometimes and the way you put sentences together sometimes makes me just stop and look at you. I think you get it from daddy. The other day, we were leaving a playdate and you stood in the driveway with your hands on your hips and told me calmy, 'I'm not interested in leaving yet'. You also use the word 'actually a lot'. Although you don't say 'Feva' and 'Emmy-you' and 'Bob Bidder' anymore, you still say things like 'Bicktoria' and 'grills' (for girls) which makes me smile. I'll never correct you as long as I live.

Every morning you still get your 'warm milk milk' but now you insist on giving your baby her bottle too and having her lay next to you in our bed. It's a great cuddle time for all and I'm afraid this stage will pass too quickly and one day you won't be interested in cuddle time. You tell me 'Mommy I'll always be your lovebug even when I'm bigger' and yesterday in the car you told me that when you're big like daddy and get a house, you're going to get one across the street from me. Can I get that in writing? Of course you can live across the street from me - assuming, that is, that I let you leave my house before the age of 40.

I just love you. There isn't another way to say it. You always tell me you love your baby and then ask 'Does that make you smile and make your heart happy?' Yes, little guy. YOU make my heart happy and YOU make me smile. That will never change and although I'm sad you're growing up so quickly and in a month will be 4, I am looking forward to the new chapter and watching you explore, discover and wonder and I will be by your side every step of the way.

I love you.

1 comment:

Angie Holt said...

So sweet.

Happy early bday, Tripp :)