Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tate is 11 months

To my Tatie Tate Amelia Tate -

Really? Only 1 more month and you're 1? How did that happen? I think this time has flown by quicker than with Tripp and it's probably because the 2 of you really keep me on my toes and I have no real down time. No complaints from me though. I love my 2 precious children so much and I don't think you'll understand until one day when you have children.

You have changed a ton in the past month. You're cruising everywhere on your knees and are you're ready to walk. You stand on your own from time to time and you're getting a little braver when letting go of furniture. I'll be surprised if you're not walking or taking steps by your first birthday, which is right around the corner.

Lots of 'firsts' this month. To start, you have your top teeth! You now have 4 (2 on top and 2 on bottom) and a couple of others are trying to push through. You use them well - and I feel like all you do is eat. You're a bottomless pit and can out eat your brother. You're almost frantic if I'm not shoveling the food in fast enough or if I don't have enough piled on your tray! And, you want whatever he has. You don't like your sippy cup because it has handles and your brothers doesn't. If I hand you his, you're fine with it so now you have one just like him. I have a feeling that won't be the last time you want what he has. You adore him and I pray that never changes. And if you get your way, you prefer a straw because it's so much more fun and it's especially fun to spit the water out when you're done.

You're also giving kisses. Open mouth, wet, slobbery kisses and I can't get enough! You are still giving me pats on the back and you still love to cuddle but even more so when you're up from your nap or first thing in the morning. It doesn't last as long as it used to but I'll take what I can get. Waving is a big 'first', too. You've been waving for a month or so but you're not associating it with bye-bye and hi. You wave to everyone with your toothy little grin. Oh, and you're 'SO BIG'. In fact, the picture above shows you doing just that. Let me tell you little missy, you're not as big as you think you are.

Stairs are oh so fun for you and oh what a pain for me. Since we were in a 1 story in Atlanta, I didn't have to deal with this with your brother but with you, you're up the stairs quicker than I can blink. It might be because you follow Tripp around everywhere and want to be where he is but he's been my good helper and is quick to let me know if you're going up the stairs or he fetches you for me. He loves to carry you around and 'help you walk' and you're not a fan, but he means well.

Sleeping and eating patterns haven't changed much. You're still great at both and I hope that continues. Your morning nap is sometimes a struggle but I might start thinking you were a perfect baby if I didn't have some resistance from time to time. Ok, maybe not a perfect baby in reality but I think you're my perfect baby. Oh and have I mentioned feisty? I'm in for it big time in about 10 - 12 years and I've already given Grammy the heads up that I might have to send you to live with her. I'm afraid God really does have a sense of humor and is giving me a little taste of what I gave my mom. Boy, am I in trouble.

Although a handful at times, you are precious, precious, precious and I cherish each and every day with you. I can't believe you're going to be 1 in a few weeks and these innocent baby days will be a thing of the past. I'm going to hold on to it as long as I can.

I love you angel.

(Yep, Miss Kim took pics of me too. Check out her site!

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