Monday, March 2, 2009

5 months old - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Baby girl,
You're 5 months old today! You sure have changed a lot in the past month and for the most part, it's been a lot of fun. You're much more aware of your surroundings and it's fun watching you react to new things. You're loving your brother and you think he's so funny. I love hearing you laugh and seeing you both laugh together. I pray that you and your brother will have such a strong and special bond for life.

So what's new for you now that you're 5 months? Well, there is the good, the bad and the ugly. First, the good. It's fun having a little girl to dress up and friends have given us the cutest hand me downs (Thank you Emmylou and Victoria)! Good thing because for someone who doesn't like to shop, I could really get myself in trouble with little girl clothes. You've found your toes and fingers. You're rolling over when you feel like it but it's not something you've nailed yet. Tummy time is fun and you're reaching for your toys wherever they may lay. You love your baby doll - especially sucking on her head. You giggle when you get your diaper changed. You're starting the fun teething stage and drool every where and on every thing. You desperately want to sit up. You love the bumbo and just today, we brought out the exersaucer. So far so good. You love to be naked, just like your brother and you seem to like soft things, just like your brother. In fact, you're starting to really like his blue bear which won't be such a good thing since that is his 'special blue bear' and he tells you this often. Fortunately, you're starting to take a liking to your bunny blanket that I saved for you. I give everyone the soft blankets for their babies and it wouldn't be right if my girl didn't have one too.

The bad. Not really bad but did I mention you're teething and drooling all over everything? You're still spitting up a lot although it looks like the reflux has gone for good. You still don't like to take your naps and if/when you do, they're usually only for about 30 minutes. You're still waking from time to time at night and most nights I just give you the pacifier and you go back to sleep. On nights when I can tell you're really hungry, I feed you but other than that, you're going until about 5am or 6am before your next feeding. We're getting there.....slowly.

Now for the ugly. Maybe it's not full blown colic, but if there is such a think as mostly colic, semi-colic or part time colic, you've got it. Man, you're fussy. Daddy says it's because you're spoiled. You do not like to be down and want to be held. In the car, you will scream bloody murder the entire car ride and you hate your car seat. I'm constantly in Babies R Us trying to find something that might make the situation better. It makes for a long ride, Tripp and I have decided. In fact, on my trip to Houston, you threw such a fit for most of the 3 hour trip that at one point mommy got pulled over for not paying attention to her speed. You were screaming when the officer came to the window and he still gave me a ticket! That sure helped the situation. Anyway, daddy says I'm wired to deal with it better than he is but I don't think that's the case because I don't deal with the constant crying well at all. You cry most of the time. Maybe it's teeth, maybe it's because you're spoiled, maybe it's a combo of a lot of things or maybe it's because you're...a....girl! Oh man, it's starting already.

Despite 'the ugly', I sure do love you and that gummy smile of yours. Let's have a better report next month though, ok?


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