Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm Thankful for Chick fil a

We had our Thanksgiving 'beast' today at school (aka as feast) and we each brought our favorite food to share with our classmates. Miss Patti and Miss Mary Lee said we could each bring whatever we wanted and of course, I brought chicken nuggets from chick fil a. It was an interesting mix from organic mac and cheese from Sophia to bologna from Evan. The best? Emmylou brought a bag of dum dum lollipops! Her mom is so cool.

We each made and decorated hats for our big feast. Here I am being silly, of course.

And here is the spread. We had pringles, french fries from Wendy's, raisins, chocolate chip cookies, mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, bologna, ritz crackers with cheese, strawberries (not shown) and the oh so popular DUM DUMS!

1 comment:

emmylou + miller said...

that pic of tripp is too cute!

and the dum dums... not only are they full of high fructose corn syrup but a choking hazard as well. i'm mom of the year!
:) becca