Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Move over pull-ups, it's time for the big boy undies!

Levi has been a different child since coming back from CO.  It was a constant fight to get him to use the potty and mom has been in panic mode since the pre-school wants him potty trained - and wiping - by the time school starts.  The potty training is fine but mom isn't so keep on a 3 year old wiping himself. Can you say disaster?  Well, something clicked and Levi and mommy sat on the computer checking out undies on  It's only fair to mention that M&Ms probably had a lot to do with it as well - 1 for tee tee and 2 for, well you know.   Levi picked his favorite and mommy got them the very next day.  Now the biggest challenge is WHICH PAIR TO WEAR?  Power Rangers are always a favorite but then again there is Jake and the Neverland Pirates or his beloved Lightning McQueen.  So many choices, what to do what to do?  And just like that, we've never looked back.  Way to go, Levi!

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