Thursday, October 13, 2011

Levi is 5 months old

Today you're 5 months old and each day, you get to be more fun. You're starting to find your voice and we can tell you're going to be a talker. Maybe not as much as Tatie, but you'll definitely be able to hold your own. You're getting more control with your head and body and aren't as wobbly as you were even a week or so ago. Hands! Wow - you've discovered them and they're becoming very useful when you want to reach out for a toy or pull the pacifier from your mouth 100 times. You haven't yet discovered your feet but will soon enough. Tate and Tripp are a bit more entertaining to you and they've been able to get you to laugh on more than one occasion. Tate still tends to be a little rough but little man, I promise we're working on that. She just loves you so much! She always wants to hold you and kiss you and feed you and just love on you. You're a lucky little boy. Drool is constant and you're always chewing on your hands. I don't see any teeth budding yet but maybe it's coming sooner than I expect. I feel like I've lost a battle with a water fountain most days with you but I'll take the slobbery 'kiss' any day of the week. You're sleeping through the night from 7 to 7 for the most part and do pretty well with your naps - unless Ms. Connie has you. She doesn't make you take naps because she says you're 'not tired'. Ah, we love Ms. Connie. Overall, you're a laid back little fellow and I love seeing your happy little face each day. I look forward to watching you grow and figure out this world around you - all while loving you with all of my heart. It's been a great 5 months!

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