Monday, October 10, 2011

3 year check up

I had my 3 year check up today and am growing like a weed. I'm already 30.5 lbs and 38 inches tall! Mommy says I'm a skinny minnie but my doctor says I'm right on track being 75th percentile in height and 50th in weight. My doctor asked me all kinds of questions including what I liked to eat. Basically I told her bread, cheese and yogurt. When she asked if I liked eggs I said 'no way'! Same answer with spinach and other healthy things I should be eating. Knowing mommy, she'll find a tricky way to get me to eat the things I won't willingly eat.

Overall, I was very brave and did everything I was supposed to do while at my visit but that's only because I didn't know there were shots coming at the end. Had I known that to start with, I don't think I would have cooperated as much. But, I did get a token after and mommy and I had a fun picnic and ice cream at the park. That always makes things better!a

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