Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Levi is 4 months!

Sweet Boy -
What a fun 4 months it's been! I have to say, this has to be one of my favorite stages - you interact, smile and coo all while staying in one place. I don't think that will last long though because you're starting to squirm a bit and want to stand up often. You're such a happy boy and have really started to giggle and laugh when talked to. You're still not sure of Tate but you've warmed up a bit more to Tripp. You're sleeping like a champ and go to bed at 8pm and wake at 7am. I'm fortunate because with Tripp's bus schedule and Tate's whatever schedule, if you didn't cooperate like you do, our mornings would not be as easy going as they seem to be so far. As soon as I get Tripp on the bus, I come in to see you smiling and looking around and ready to start your day. You're still sleeping in out room but I plan to move you to yours in the next few weeks....hopefully. My hesitation? Your sister. I don't know what she'll do to you if I leave you up there and she knows you're there! I didn't think I'd need it but I may need to go invest in a video monitor just to keep an eye out on her. You're right on schedule at 15.1 lbs (80th percentile) and 25.5 inches (75th percentile) and love to eat every 3 hours. I haven't started you on formula or cereal yet but that's not too far down the road. I have a feeling you're going to love food! You're very alert and love to be sung to. We sing 'Wheels on the Bus' and 'Itsy Bitsy Spider' all of the time. You're just so stinkin' sweet and lovable - and I'm sorry but I'm not going to apologize for kissing all over you like I do. You'd better get used to it because it's not going to stop! I love my sweet boy and look forward to watching you grow and develop even more in the days to come.

Kisses from mommy always.

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