Saturday, September 10, 2011

Independent Woman

Preface: Mommy could not make this up!

I went to my friend's 3rd birthday party at the Children's Museum today and if you've ever been there, you understand the chaos. Of course in my princess Tate fashion, I ran off and had mommy looking for me from time to time. At one point, mommy couldn't find me for awhile until one of the museum workers asked if her 'name was Elizabeth and if she had a daughter named Tate', to which mommy replied, 'What did she do'? Come on mom! Give me more credit than that. Geesh. Anyway, he told her I was playing upstairs in the 'Tinker Room' and when repeatedly asked where mommy was, I finally turned around with hands on hips and said............

'My mommy KNOWS where I am. I'm an independent woman!'

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