Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Letter to Tripp

Little guy -
I'm way overdue in this letter update. The days are flying by and I'm finding that I have to force myself to slow down and savor every bit of you. You've grown and matured so much and seem so big to me but when I saw you get off the bus the other day, I had to smile realizing you're still my little boy who still calls me mommy and runs up to me with lots of hugs and kisses. I just adore you and love every minute with you. There is so much to catch up on so I'll do my best while trying not to ramble on.

Kindergarten definitely agrees with you and you're so excited to tell me all that you're learning each day. I miss having you home but am so excited to watch that little brain of yours figure things out in the world around you. Your vocabulary has continued to expand and sometimes you really surprise me with the words that come out of your mouth. You still have the biggest heart and are super protective of your little sister and little brother. They are so blessed to have you as their big brother and years down the road when you think you're too big to hang around them, please remember that from day one, they've always loved and adored you and look up to you in every way.

I'm not sure of your height and weight but you're big. I notice that you're taller than a lot of the kids in your class and I think you'll end up being tall like daddy. You eat well - and I may have to take a second mortgage out of the house because of it. I can't imagine what my grocery bill will look like in your teenage years. You're a good eater and enjoy 'healthy' things (again, thank you kindergarten). It's not unusual for your lunch to consist of a sandwich, cottage cheese, a mushroom or 2 and a handful of grape tomatoes. Now, if we can just get your sister to try more than just cheese. Work on that with me, will ya?

Legos are your 'thing' now and you could probably put them together with your eyes closed. Not too long ago, you'd wait until daddy was home so that he could help you with your latest lego project but now you get such joy and satisfaction by putting them together so you can show daddy when he gets home. You have quite the collection and whenever possible, you're always asking for the next set. You're also still into art and the creative side of things. You did not get this from me as I'm not creative at all but you love to draw, paint, act, cook and dance, among other things. In fact, you've been begging me to let you take Hip Hop and we finally found a class for 5 year olds. You love it!! Even when the teacher takes a break or the music stops, you're still dancing. Your excitement is infectious.

I may be biased but you're an incredible little boy and people enjoy being around you. I pray that you will continue to grow and share that big heart of yours and bring joy to the people you encounter. I am beyond blessed to have you as my son and I love you with all of my heart.

With an abundance of love and adoration,

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