Monday, June 13, 2011

One month old!

Precious Levi Love -
All I can say is time flies. How is it possible that you're already a month old? It's hard for me to think that you weren't even due until June 2nd and would have been about 10 days old at this point. You are a perfect fit into our family and we love you more than words can say.

You're a typical newborn in that you're up every 1 1/2 and 2 hours each night. It makes for a tired mommy but you're so darn cute that I don't really mind. You're gaining weight nicely and actually look like a little butterball. Well, I guess you're now looking like Tripp did when he was first born. You're holding your head up pretty well and you get mad if you're not able to look around. You're a good eater and great burper. No messing around for you! Your brother and sister LOVE you and smother you daily. It annoys you but trust me, someday soon you will love the attention. Overall, you're pretty laid back - all the noise and hustle and bustle doesn't really phase you much. Your eyes are still a little crossed and still blue. I'd love for them to stay that way but if Tripp and Tate's eyes are any indication, they won't. I can wish, can't I? You still have a little bit of yellow tint to your skin and eyes, but your pediatrician said it's called 'Breast milk jaundice' and will disappear on it's own. You're a healthy, beautiful baby boy and I'm going to apologize now for kissing on you and loving you too too much. It's just how it's going to be. I'm in love!

Much love,
Your mommy

1 comment:

Shannan Riemer said...

what a sweet sweet baby! Soon he will be eating bugs like max:)