Monday, June 6, 2011

Bodies, Brains and Bones

This week, I'm in a camp at the Austin Children's Museum called 'Bodies, Brains and Bones'. Just check out some of the activities we get to do this week. Can you see why I'm super excited?

Monday: Explore your senses - Sight and Hearing
Activities: Play frog orchestra, blind obstacle course through the museum, shaving cream exploration, create museum sounds, paint chip scavenger hunt, echolocation bat game, matching sounds game, discover what a dog sees

Tuesday: Explore your senses - Taste, Touch and Smell
Activities: Match your scent game, taste test sweet, salty, bitter and sour things, create a texture painting, feel and find game, make texture rubbings, create a tissue paper flower and graph which chocolate and apples we like best

Wednesday: Hands and Feet
Activities: Create fingerprint animals, paint without using hands, make bat wings then fly around the museum to find insects, investigate dinosaur footprints, museum feet measurements, play twister, create a hand puppet, build with legos while wearing oven mitts, play animal footprint bingo

Thursday: What's inside?
Activities: Examine x-rays, play operation, put together a skeleton puzzle, make bones with model magic, trace your body, dress and pretend, graph our class features and play some brain games

Friday: Get Moving!
Activities: Complete an obstacle course, go on a scavenger hunt in the museum, make a healthy snack, human vs animal measurement comparisons, play Simon says, play twister and make shakers

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