Friday, July 2, 2010

Tate is 21 months old

Hi baby girl -
Someone recently told me, 'Well, she'll never be walked all over as an adult'. Yes, you are spunky, feisty, independent and bossy but I guess it will come in handy later in life. If you and/or I make it that long.

I struggle with writing the truth and then sugar-coating the truth knowing that one day you'll read all of these updates trying to get a sense of who you were as a baby. I never had that and now when I call your Grammy, she laughs. Not just a chuckle either. She truly laughs and says that I was just like you. Why wasn't I told that before? I'm in big trouble now. So I'm trying to be as sweet as possible but I will say that this month has been challenging.

Not only are you in to everything, you're also in to time out....alot. There have even been some occasions where you look at me and KNOW you're about to get into trouble and you just take yourself to time out. Thanks for working with me on that. I used to put your brother in his crib for time out but since you climb out of yours, it's not really effective. The bottom stair is getting to know you well and I have a feeling it's going to get to know you even better.

For the good - you are a trip. Your disposition is really sweet when you want it to be and you're starting to put 2 word sentences together. 'Hi mama', 'my book', 'my baby' and on and on. You understand a lot more than I give you credit for and I think you get really frustrated from time to time when I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. I try to get you to show me but most times you really aren't in the mood to do that. Come on, help your mama out!

You love to read and constantly follow me around the house with a book saying 'read trucks' or 'read elmo' or 'read dine-dine (dinosaur)'. We'll sit down and read and then you're off to find another and follow me around again. You like whatever your brother likes - and you always want to play trucks, trains and airplanes with him. You want the same sippy cups or cups or plates that he has. You don't want pink - you want what he has. So, I think I'll be buying a lot of non-girlie things for you so that I don't have melt downs everytime I try to get you to eat or drink something.

Speaking of food, my good little eater is gone. You want to survive on 'milk milk' or drinkable yogurt. You love broccoli, fruit and cheese but not a lot more. I can't even get you to eat Chick fil A chicken nuggets. What kid doesn't love those? Oh, but you are always in the mood for a 'treat' or 'cone cone' (sno cone). Maybe it's time to pull out my 'Sneaky Chef' book.

You love to sing and dance and can actually carry a pretty good tune, considering. You still sing 'bye bye baby' all of the time and you love to sing the 'ABCs'. You sing the dinner prayer with brother and some of the words we actually understand. In the car, you also request 'Hey Hey' from Tripp's VBS week and the 2 of you do the motions together and sing. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll be able to ever show you how cute it is because as soon as the video camera comes out, the show is over.

You're quickly getting out of the baby stage and are turning into a little girl more and more every day. I haven't figured out if you'll be a tom boy or a girlie girl but it's just like you to keep me guessing. Your hair is always in your face because you pull out the ponytails or bows, you're always muddy - even in your cute dresses - but you love walking around with purses on your arm or playing with your shoes. Maybe you'll be a good balance of both. Whatever it is, I'll love you more than you know and will thank God daily for giving you to me.

Here's to surviving the next month together.

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