Thursday, July 8, 2010

Houdini's new game

Mommy and Tatie played a fun game last night. I'm not really sure that it was much fun for mommy but here is the summary of the game.

7:30 pm - Mommy puts Tate in bed after prayers, rocking and kisses
7:32pm - As mommy is walking down the stairs she hears, 'hi mommy'....behind her.
7:33pm - Mommy puts Tate back in her bed. See 7:30pm. This time, mommy says 'do not get out of your bed'.

Fast forward to 12:30am. All is quiet in the Riley household with me in my bed, mommy in her bed, daddy in Florida and Tate in her bed. Oh wait....

12:30 am - standing next to mommy's bed. 'Hi Mommy'.
12:35am - Mommy puts Tate back in her bed.
1:30am - standing next to mommy's bed. 'Hi Mommy'. Mommy puts Tate in bed with her hoping she's go to sleep. Not a chance - Tate plays for about 45 minutes. Mommy takes Tate back upstairs to her room.

3:00 am - Are you catching on to this? Standing next to mommy's bed. 'Hi Mommy'.
3:02 am - Mommy puts Tate back in her bed.
4:00am - standing next to mommy's bed. 'Hi Mommy'.
4:02 am - Mommy puts Tate back in her bed.

6:00am - standing next to mommy's bed. 'Hi Mommy'. Mommy gives up and realizes she has lost the game and now must get her day started.

End results? A very tired mommy who doesn't like this new game one bit.

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