Thursday, October 8, 2009

First Year Check-Up

My baby had her 1 year check up today and passed with flying colors. Here are her current stats:

Weight: 18 lbs 5 oz (10th percentile)
Height: 28 1/2 inches (30th percentile)
Head: 46 inches (75th percentile)

Summary? She's still a little peanut with a big head although she eats more than most grown ups. She can't turn around in the car seat yet since she's not 20 lbs but now that she gets whole milk 4x a day, I think it'll fatten her up in no time. Her vocabulary has also expanded to 3 words: mama, dada and uh oh and she's standing for longer periods of time and braver with her steps.

The bummer is she had to get 4 shots but I gave her sweet kisses and told her it would make her big and stong. She was so brave! Happy 1 year check up, baby girl.

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