Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Letter to Tripp

To my precious little guy -

Unlike some of my friends, I haven't written you letters like I had wanted. I'm starting now so I guess it's better late than never! Today you are officially 2 1/2 and it's bittersweet for me. On one hand, I love seeing you grow up each day and develop into a little boy but on the other hand, I'm sad because my precious baby is growing up into a little boy.

This morning, daddy and I were talking about you and the amazing past 2.5 years. We were both sad because your baby bean will be here in about 6 weeks and we know that our relationship with you will be different. In a way, I feel like I'm taking something away from you but I'm also so excited to see you as a big brother. You're so incredibly loving and baby bean is so lucky to have YOU as his/her big brother. I want you to know how much we love you. When you were in mommy's tummy, I couldn't imagine how much I would love you and I'll never be able to explain it. Each day gets better and better with you and I think the only time you'll finally be able to understand it is when you do have children of your own.

I had planned to keep up with all of your 'Tripp-isms' and 'firsts' in your baby book but since you're not a baby anymore, I thought it would be fun to keep them in your blog. Every day is a new adventure and over the past few months, we've experienced a vocabulary explosion! I've been around other little boys your age and I don't think they communicate as well as you do. I honestly believe it's all of the time you spend around 'your girls' that makes the difference. I think Emmylou, Ellie and Sophia challenge you and it's wonderful to experience.

I always said I wanted a 'bad boy' - one who comes home with rocks and frogs in his pocket and loves to play in the dirt. Well, I got my wish and I'm starting to think I should have held my tongue. You love to play in the dirt and love to collect rocks and acorns in your pockets. That's all fine and dandy....but it's the frogs and whatever else is in store for me that I'm thinking I'm going to regret. You LOVE to be naked. Lately you tell me 'mommy I want to be naked for a little while'. It's hilarious! You love naked puppy which is when you are completely naked and roll around and play on your giant overstuff puppy dog. If you had your wish, you'd be naked all of the time. In the mornings, the first thing we hear on your monitor is 'Mommy come get me' or more often than that, 'Daddy need milk milk'. Daddy gets you from your bed, warms your milk (he has spoiled you because if I try to give you milk during the day from the fridge, you hand it back and say 'no mommy. warm.'. Thanks, daddy. Daddy brings you upstairs and puts you in bed with me and the 3 of us cuddle while you drink your milk. You always tell us that you had 'good dreams'. Before Disney World, when we asked what you dreamt about, you would say 'Jesus'. After Disney World, you now say 'Minnie' or 'Mickey' or 'Goofy'. Glad to see that Jesus is in the same category as the Disney characters. Sometime after that, you decide it's time to be 'naked in mommy's bed' and then the clothes and diapers are off.

Uncle Chris taught you a long time ago to pick flowers and it's now turned into an issue. In fact, you've spent a lot of time in time out for picking flowers. You love to pick flowers wherever we go and I'm afraid at some point we're going to be kicked out of our townhouse because all of our neighbors are in their 70's and retired and love their flower beds. At some point they're going to realize that it's our precious tornado that keeps plucking the petals. You've gotten smarter about this lately. When you pick flowers now, it's always your intention to give them to someone. Like 'for mommy' or 'for Toria'. When we were in Disney, you kept picking the flowers and said they were 'for Darby' (Pooh's friend). You actually did give the flowers to Darby when it was your turn in line. Ahhhh. That's my boy!

Other fun facts this year: When asked how old you are, you hold up 1 finger and say two! You hate wearing socks and shoes and must get this from mommy. You've perfected the 'evil eye' and it now has no affect on you what so ever because you thinks it's so funny. You love swimming lessons and 'swimming in the swimming pool'. Bedtime routine includes going potty, needing milk milk, reading 3 stories and then giving mommy and daddy 3 way 'huggies and kisses'. After that, we have to do 'watch this' before you'll go to sleep with goat, mickey, roo roo and blue bear. You also love your blue blanket that the Westmorelands gave you when you were brand new.

Connie is Toria's nanny that we get to use from time to time. You LOVE 'nonnie' - especially because she has introduced you to 'cheeseburger with pickle pickle' and chicken nuggets. When I ask you what you and Connie are going to do that day, you'll say 'go play and chicken nuggets'. You also love candy (nannie) - which we sometimes get confused with Connie (nonnie) and laundry. Go figure. Speaking of laundry, you love to help mommy change loads and you also love to help me in the kitchen. Anytime I'm cooking, you have to sit on the counter next to me with your own bowl and spoon. You're such a big help!

You love Thomas choo-choo, Jack, Rollie and baby Scoop. Favorite shows include Backyardigans, Bob the Builder, Veggie Tales, Boz and Sesame Street. Anytime we see tractors or construction you yell 'Bob Bidder' and will repeat it until we acknowledge what you're saying. With all of the construction in Austin right now, we hear this a lot from you. In fact, I find myself saying it when you're NOT in the car with me.

We tried to go to all of Reid's baseball games and you had a ball. You always ask about Reid Reid baseball game and whenever we see a ballpark, you say 'mommy - reid reid baseball game'. You count to 10 really well and can count to 20 when you want to. Everytime we walk down the stairs together, we count the 16 stairs. I'm so proud of you! Recently, you've also been able to recognize your name. You have a puzzle that says 'Tripp' and when we ask what letters they are (even in random order) you tell us and then tell us it spells Tripp. We think you're brillant! You love to sing your ABC's as well. You have a box on the fridge you press and then you run into the corner and sing along with it. Lately, you've been singing ABC's and Twinkle Twinkle to baby bean. You then kiss mommy's belly and say 'I love you baby bean'. It doesn't get much sweeter than that.

Anytime you see a familiar car, you call out who owns it. For example, 'mommy car', 'daddy car', connie car'. You're always right on and usually see them before we do. You're doing very well on the potty and wear big boy undies when you're not trying to be nak0ed. I was hoping to have you completely potty trained before baby bean arrives but I'm starting to think that's not going to happen. I've very proud of your progress, though and laugh when lately you say 'Mommy go away - I'm pottying'.

There is so much to list and I know this is a long post but I don't want to forget anything! Any cut or scratch is from a meow meow, puppy or horse (horse sound). You love to wear your beach hat in the house - when you're naked. You love taking blue baths with bubbles. YOU ARE A COMPLETE HAM and you know it. At the dinner table, you sit across from a full length mirror and watch yourself. We hope that this doesn't cause issues down the road. You are no stranger to time out. You love mommy's body pillow. You LOVE YOUR DADDY and love to wrestle with daddy. You also think it's quite fun when daddy throws you in the air although you're getting a little too big and heavy for that. You don't like to have stuff on your hands - which you totally get from me. Maybe that is why you love washing your hands all of the time. Now that you're 2.5 you don't do it as much but when you were closer to 2, you loved 'head shoulders knees and toes' and 'patty cake'. Your favorite books are the tractor book and the mouse book. You love to sing and dance and love 'Elmo's Sing Along' cd - which we listen to oh too much. You love your music class cds and especially the bees song and hello everybody.

You're very much like your daddy in that you love nature. Daddy shows you all types of bugs and even has woken you up at night to show you an owl outside. You love 'buggies' - especially ants. You'll learn at some point that ants aren't really your friend. You love to body slam mommy and 'smoosh' her head and then holler 'help help'. You also love airplanes and everyone you see you say 'Papa's airplane. Maybe one day you'll be a pilot like your Papa and Uncle Jason?

Some of my favorite Tripp-isms:
  • ‘Mommy, whas dis?’ – for everything
  • 'Bob Bidder'
  • ‘Tripp, do you know what?’ ‘Yeah’
  • Tripp, do you need to go potty? No mommy. I’m just feeling’.
  • Go away mommy. I’m pottying.
  • 'Tripp, who loves you?' 'I don't know' - as he says with a smile
  • 'Mommy - you found Thomas choo-choo for your little guy!'
  • 'Be careful, daddy. Focus, daddy'
  • 'Don't wreck mommy's car, daddy'

Yes, this is a long post and I could keep going. I can't wait to see what else is in store for us in the coming days, weeks, months and years. I love this stage and hope you'll continue to love your mommy like you do even after baby bean does show up. We've had a lot of fun this summer together and I'm going to do everything I can to continue to show you how very special you are to me. You are my firstborn, my lovebug and my little guy. No one will ever take that place. I love you so much and will continue to love you more and more each day.



1 comment:

emmylou + miller said...

Happy 2 and 1/2 birthday, Tripp!

Let's party!