Monday, May 13, 2013

To my sweet baby boy

Dearest Levi -
Terrible or Terrific Twos?  You're definitely a handful and give your mommy a run for her money.  There are many days when I want to throw up my hands and call it a day because you've completely worn me out.  You're very different than your brother or sister in that you are very physical and much more aggressive.   When you get frustrated or don't get your way, you're quick to pinch, hit, bang your head on the floor and on rare occasions, bite.  Time outs don't work and neither do spankings.  I'm not sure what will get through to you and then after countless pleas and frustration on my end, you'll look at me with a smirk or a smile and just make me melt.  I sure love you.  You are funny and have such a HUGE personality.  You know what to do to get a laugh out of any of us and you're just an overall goofball.  You love to dance and show off for any one who will watch - and you especially love watching yourself dance in the mirror.  Your coordination is off the charts compared to your siblings and you can throw a ball better than any 2 year old I've ever seen.  You're fast fast fast and even faster when a very pregnant mommy is trying to keep up with you.  Bedtime is an absolute nightmare and you refuse to stay in your bed.  In fact, you're out of your bed no less than 10 times a night and will wander around until 11pm if I let you.  You love to go in and wake Tripp and Tate and I've even found you asleep on their floor from time to time.  Your latest trick is sneaking out the laundry room into the garage, quieter than a mouse, and climbing on the shelf to open the garage.  As soon as that door opens, you'll escape!  Have I mentioned how fast you are?  Trucks and trains are your favorite and you love to watch Thomas the Train and Curious George any chance you get.  You're still not talking much but say a few words like dada, sis-sis, buh-buh, uh-oh, ouch and a host of animal sounds.  You're still not saying 'mama' but we're working on it and I'm sure you're close to a vocabulary explosion.  You are a perfect fit and addition to our family and I don't know if there is another little brother more adored by his older brother and sister.  You definitely know how to push their buttons but you're also very lovey and they love on you constantly.  We love watching you grow and explore each day and just being you.  So Terrible or Terrific?  I'd say a little of both but that's what makes you you and I adore you with all of my heart. 

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