Monday, February 13, 2012

Levi is 9 months!

Sweet, smiling boy -
Oh how I love you and oh how you're feisty now that you're 9 months old. You've been such a calm, laid back little dude but all of a sudden, you have a spunk to you and let yourself be heard. You will throw a fit and throw your body backwards if you don't like what you're eating, you'll throw another little fit if you are laid down to get a diaper changed or get dressed and you now really hate your car seat. Basically if things are going your way, you're cool with it all. If not, watch out!! But, we'll keep you. You're on all fours and ready to crawl. Once you do, I'm in trouble because you'll be into everything. I love your curious nature and love how you watch your brother and sister. They adore you and you them. You're still a little peanut measuring 29 inches (75th percent) and weighing in at 19 lbs (25th percent) but I plan to fatten you up. You're starting with finger foods and love puffs and scrambled eggs. We try to get Tate to eat an egg because you do but she'll have no part of it. At least we tried! By our next update, you'll probably be crawling, pulling up and maybe even walking. Oh please no.

We sure love you and you make us all smile so much each day. I can't wait to see how you continue to grow and mature.....oh wait, yes I can. The days are flying by way too fast. I sure love you!

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