Monday, November 21, 2011

Rocks and Paper Airplanes and Acorns, Oh My!

Bubba's newest obsession is paper airplanes. He's always loved rocks and acorns so now when mommy empties his backpack from school, she has an even bigger assortment of rocks, acorns and paper planes in every shape and size. During free center time, he makes paper airplanes and then brings them home to fly all over the house and over the banister from upstairs. One or 2 airplanes would be fine but I think we have about 100 with the number increasing on a daily basis. He's now gone to the shredder box and turned 'to be shredded' papers into colorful 'to be shredded' airplanes. I guess recycling IS a good thing and at least his obsession isn't bugs or worms or worse!

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