Sunday, November 13, 2011

Levi is 6 months

Little man -
We're already at the 6 month mark! What fun we're having and how big you're getting - all too fast. So, are you up to this month? Rolling over is old news to you and it sure makes nap time a bit more interesting because when you're on your tummy, you think it's play time. I can't complain because although I may have to take a couple more trips to your room to make sure you're asleep, you're still a great sleeper and sleep through the night like a champ. Your grabbing at things and trying to scoot a bit to get what you want. I have this sneaking suspicion that once you're crawling, you'll be more trouble than Tripp and Tate were. Your personality shows more and more each day and I have no doubt you'll be able to hold your own against your siblings - especially your sister. But, as I always tell you, she sure loves her baby! Talking is a new hobby of yours and you talk non-stop. I love the babbling sound and love the smiles that accompany it. At your doctor's visit this month you are 27.25 height (75th percentile) and 16.2 weight (30th). We're about to start real food so I'm sure that will fatten you up by your 9 month visit. I love seeing your precious face each day and the unconditional love you show. Thank you for being my sweet boy and I can't wait to see what fun the coming months bring!


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