Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2 months!

It's official - Levi is a chunky monkey! Not only did mommy have to buy him size 2 diapers already but at his 2 month visit, he weighed in at 12 lbs 12 0z and 23 inches long. That is 6 lbs in 2 months! He is 80th percentile for weight and 75th for height. The boy is not starving....that's for sure. Mommy usually writes a letter to us each month but I think I will do it this time.

Dear baby brother -
I love you so much! You are so much fun to feed and play with but I don't like changing your diapers. You're smelly so I'll let mommy handle that part. You smile at me now so I know you love me and I can't wait until you're big enough to play hide and seek or chase. I think I love on you a little too much because anytime we come around you, we're holding your head and kissing all over you. Or waking you up as soon as mommy gets you to sleep. You don't like it. In fact, you're starting to get squirmy when you hear our voices. Uh oh. Well, I'm here to tell you to get used to it because you're our baby and we love you so much. Tate and I tell you all of the time that you're 'precious' or 'so so cute'. We love our baby brother and we're so glad you're ours!
Tripp Tripp aka Bubba

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