Monday, May 23, 2011

Levi is 10 days old

Baby Levi is 10 days old and we love him so much! He is a very laid back and content little boy and can sleep through all of the chaos that tends to happen when Tatie and I are around. He doesn't really complain unless he's really hungry or wet/dirty and we love our new baby brother. Daddy is still trying to get used to changing a new baby boy again - but keeps getting tee-tee'd on. He he! He also had to have his tongue clipped today like Tatie did when she was a new baby because he wasn't nursing well. The doctor took good care of him and now he has no problems at all. Mommy says Baby Levi perfectly completes our little family of 5. Did you notice he likes his thumb? He's just like me! Another fun thing about today is that his belly cord fell off and now he can take a bath with us. I can't wait.......

1 comment:

Shannan Riemer said...

He is beautiful! Max peed on me almost every diaper change until he was 3 months old.
I cant wait to meet him!