Friday, May 20, 2011

The Lemonade Stand

I had a pretty cute looking sales team
Handing over the proceeds to Ms. Jodi, our director

I've been wanting to have a lemonade stand but where we live, we wouldn't have a whole lot of traffic or customers. But then I started thinking.......One day when mommy took me to school, I went into the main office to talk to Ms. Jodi. I said, 'Ms. Jodi - I want to have a lemonade stand. Can I have it here at the school? I want all the money to go to the school and you can buy a new chair'. I don't know if Ms. Jodi needs a new chair, but it sure sounded good. Ms. Jodi told me to come up with a plan and she would let me have a lemonade stand! I was so excited! We planned to have it on the last day of 'Mud and Water' week and mommy and a few other blue room mommies went to work to execute our plan. I told mommy everything we needed and what needed to be done - and they put it all together for me. Even though last minute and mommy was trying to coordinate all of this from her hospital bed, it was a huge success! We had lines of customers and a few of us went through the parking lot at pick up time yelling, 'Lemonade for Sale!'. Some people told me that their money was in the car and so like any good salesperson, I sent them back to their cars to get it. We had pink lemonade, yellow lemonade, chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies. We sold each for $0.50 and mommy wasn't sure how we'd do in the end - but wanted to encourage and support my idea. Well, we did pretty good and our little last minute preschool lemonade stand raised $97 for the school!

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