Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Austin Bats

We have bats. Lots of bats. Yep - Austin is America's largest urban bat colony with over 1.5 million bats that come out from under the Congress bridge each night and eat over 30,000 pounds of insects for dinner. No trip to Austin is complete without a trip to see the bats.

Little did we know that a huge storm, complete with tornados and hail, was about to pound us
and when we got home, we had no electricity. Lucky for us, someone (no names will be mentioned) left a back door unlocked and that's the only way we got in the house since mommy and daddy still haven't put house keys on their key rings and the garage door needs electricity to open. Once inside the nice dark house, we all settled in (although rather warm) and went to bed. Unfortunately, during the night, the lightening destroyed one of the transformers for the water pump and our entire neighborhood was without water for a day. Grammy, Gramps and Aunt Courtney didn't even get to shower before heading to the airport! What kind of send off is that? A smelly one, I'd say.

Waiting for the bats
Going a little batty while waiting for the bats
Bats, oh Bats. Where are you?
Family photo while still waiting for the bats. Notice how dark it is all of a sudden? We didn't.
See the black 'clouds' that look like smoke? Those are bats! The pictures don't do justice so you'll all have to come visit to see them for yourself!

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