Tuesday, June 2, 2009

8 months

Tatie -
Another month has flown by and this one has been a big one for you. You've had many 'firsts' to note and your personality continues to blossom with each passing day. Not only are you crawlng but you're pulling yourself up on everything. Your brother didn't start crawling on his knees until he was 12 months old (although he had perfected the army crawl) and didn't really pull up on things until 13 months. I have a feeling you're going to also beat him in the walking department as he didn't walk until 15.5 months. You're quick and you watch your brother constantly. I think you're just ready to keep up with him and can't wait for the day when you can. You ADORE your brother! I do get a bit teary eyed seeing this because it's something I never had with my brother. Or, maybe I did but I just don't remember it and it was definitely not something that continued. I think you and your brother are always going to be tight and will always have a special bond. He is so incredibly protective of you and is super sweet when he's trying to calm you down or make you smile when you're sad. He's always telling mommy and daddy that he's 'so lucky to have his baby' and we think you're pretty lucky to have him as a big brother. There are times when he likes to aggravate you and I don't think you care for it much when he pets you and calls you his 'pet rabbit', but for the most part you tolerate him and think he's the coolest thing around. Every morning, he runs up to you and gives you hugs and kisses and you squeal with delight. You love to wrestle with him and go for rides on the train. It's beyond precious to see. You love to eat and you make it known if we're not shoveling the food in fast enough. I've been making my own food and you've been enjoying broccoli, mangos, avocados, sweet potatoes, squash, peaches, watermelon, pancakes and we can't forget PUFFS! Who doesn't love puffs? It's instant 'quiet food' and I must remember to carry them at all times. You're even tolerating pears more than you were before. You've also tried apple juice and had a complete melt down when I tried to take the cup away. There really isn't anything you don't like but when you've had enough of something, the fun new thing is to spit it out all over mommy. I've been splattered with peas too many times now to count. I'll keep trying new things and maybe next month I'll be able to report the addition of teeth. Until then, it's mashed up mushy food for you.

Baby girl, you are a very sweet little girl and I hope you always know how much you're loved and adored. In one way, I'm looking forward to the coming months to see what new developments are in store but at the same time, it's a constant reminder how quickly you're growing and before too long, you won't be a baby anymore but a little girl. Between you and me, let's push that off for as long as we can. Ok?

Much love,

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