Sunday, September 22, 2013

Soccer Star

Soccer season has started and I'm on the same team with a bunch of my friends.  For some reason, at the first game I just sat on the sidelines and cried while refusing to go in and play.  The next game, I was much better and was fired up chasing the ball.  I'm a fierce little competitor and although I love my princess dresses and girlie things at home, I may be a little athlete as a get bigger.  Today, there was what I call a 'mean girl' on the other team and she wasn't saying very nice things to my team.  I told her that she wasn't being very nice.  During one play, she came over a pushed my friend, Ava, down so in the middle of the play, I did what any soccer star would have done.  I stopped, helped my crying friend up and took her to the sidelines to her mommy to make sure she was ok.  After all, if you're not standing by your team, what's the point?  Mommy and daddy were very proud of me for being there for my friend.

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