Saturday, October 27, 2012

Eat, Drink and Be Scary Ball

Sammy's House is an incredible organization here that mommy has grown very fond of.  Ms. Angie is on the board and introduced her a few years back so now mommy likes to be involved and even has her Keller Williams office involved.  Each year, they have a big fundraiser called the 'Eat, Drink and Be Scary Ball' and mommy likes to sponsor a table for a few friends.  Here are some pictures of mommy and daddy ready for the ball.  This is a special treat because mommy RARELY dresses up and when she does, there usually aren't cameras around.  I guess Sammy's House really is worth it! :)The really funny thing is that mommy and Ms. Dana didn't realize they were both little Red Riding Hood - good thing we had only one wolf in grandma's clothing and one woodsman.  They also met up with Mr. Gary and Ms. Becca - who had really cool costumes (and won the costume contest) but mommy didn't get any more pictures after this.   

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